Into the frozen wastes! |
Recently, a group of talented hobbyists gathered to play the first in a series of events set on the frigid death world
Gelida. Created by Cody Taylor (
magos_buer on Instagram), Gelida is a long forgotten Imperial world that plunged into an ice age sometime around the time of the Great Crusade. Some of its bravest inhabitants venture into the snow-swept wastes in robotic suits, searching for supplies to keep the planet’s few Hive-cities functioning. In the last few months, our Instagram feeds have been filled with all manner of awesome snow-covered mechs and warriors in heavy duty harsh-weather gear for the Gelida events (
#gelida40k). Some of the creations from
Rougefalcon5 really caught our eye, particularly a few models created from the
Imperial Guard Scion kit. They reminded us of some models we converted years back (
here, and
here), soon after the blog started, just as we were venturing into the world of Inq28. Looking through our model cases, we found them as we left them unpainted and unfinished. In honor of Gelida, we decided to modify the models to fit within the setting and send them out to some of the people involved in the games!