
About Us

The members of Between the Bolter and Me. From left to right: Greg, Adam, and Eric Wier

Between the Bolter and Me is a group of three brothers dedicated to critically exploring the miniature wargaming hobby, with a primary focus on Warhammer 40,000 and other Games Workshop games. Rather than focus on rules and competitive play, our priority is exploring the imagery of Warhammer 40,000 and injecting some realism into it, be it through more plausible anatomy or more functional firearms. Although we started as a blog, in an effort to better connect with the hobby community, we have expanded to hosting a podcast (Dragged into Turbolasers), and to live streaming discussions and hobby content though Twitch and YouTube.

We began Between the Bolter and Me in 2013, as a way to explore the aspects of Games Workshop’s universes that interested us most, and to ultimately develop our own vision of those settings. While we have not always been fond of all of the creative directions Games Workshop has taken, we realized it did not really matter, as they have always encouraged people to create their own narratives and rules, and enjoy the setting they created. So we decided to create this blog to share what we are working on, with the hopes of building the hobby community, and maybe imparting some of our modeling wisdom onto others.

Our vision attempts to infuse some additional realism into the 40k setting, something that is not often seen in a galaxy of Boltguns and Power Armor. We attempt this in three major ways:
  1. Create more reasonable weapons for our models by paying attention to scale and adding elements like stocks or functional optics.
  2. Improve the anatomy of our models by minimizing the distorted proportions of heroic scale, such as by adding features that are often forgotten, like abdomens and necks.
  3. Increase diversity and representation in the models we create; without including other genders and ethnicities, the galaxy seems like a small and restricted space, as opposed to the expansive one it is described as.
This focus on realism is our attempt at putting the emphasis back onto the characters themselves. These are characters who have motivations, emotions, ambitions, and their own stories. They are more than their weapons or armor.

The original logo for Between the Bolter and Me, featuring our original interpretation of Bishop the frog, discarding a scope from a Boltgun.

We hope you enjoy your stay here, and find something that encourages you to start working on miniatures and to explore the universe that surrounds them! In the same vein, we would love to hear from some of you out there. What projects are you working on? What are your thoughts on some newly released models or games? And what would you like to see from us?

- Adam, Eric, and Greg Wier

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  1. Though quite naive regarding most of the content, I must say that your title and logo art are phenomenal!

  2. Bill Ford @the_ruin.501April 3, 2022 at 11:19 AM

    Love it. I agree 100%, especially in regards to diversity. I love y'all's content and it's well said!

  3. Very inspiring. Please take a view and feel free to feedback us on our project Sistema28
    Best regards!
