
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Under the Dice Fest: Day 0

Under the Dice Fest Day 0.

One of the most exciting parts of 2023 was taking part in the New England Mordheim Open (NEMO), held by the Under the Dice/Hive Scum group. When NEMO 2024 was announced, this time as part of Under the Dice Fest, we knew it was something that we needed to attend, primarily to see so many of our hobby friends, including many who were at the Rich Grimmond event last year. Like last year, we took along all of our recording equipment, for interviewing people at the event, along with our Vastarian warbands and Bill Ford’s (the_ruin.501) Church board. We decided to drive to Connecticut the day before the event kicked off to see Hive Scum’s studio space and see if we could play some games before the controlled chaos of NEMO 2024.

We arrived at our hotel to drop off some things before heading to Hive Scum’s new studio space.

The Hive Scum studio!

Everyone helped put together participation bags for NEMO the following day. From left to right: Evan (itswhatevan), Steve (sovthofheaven), Gage (noclearcoat), Greg (denimdayjob), and Matt (totally_not_panicking).

Sam (cupboard_of_shame) made the trip to Under the Dice Fest from the United Kingdom! He brought along an amazing band of cultists, the Sisters of the Burnished Shroud, for our Vastarian setting.

The Church of the Red Athenæum in the smallest Church in Saint-Fauré, preparing to repel invaders. The church board was built and painted by the talented Bill Ford (the_ruin.501).

Sam and Trey discuss how their cultists are going to raid the church to obtain priceless relics.

The firebrand Silvine Longshot charges into the center of the chapel riding a dilapidated motorbike carried by zealous penitents.

A selection of cultists from Sam’s the Sisters of the Burnished Shroud.

A procession of cultists from the Chisel of Oblivion, their sickly pallor hinting at a genetic heritage that predates the Imperium of Man, a Vastarian warband created by Matt (totally_not_panicking).

Steve’s Mordheim boards lay waiting for the upcoming storm of NEMO 2024. He had two boards in total. The first was one he built last year and repainted to align with the second newly built board. He won an award for best board last year, and was hoping to win another trophy this year.

Cole (colecifer_xxviii), Gabe (nile_nellie), and Chris (pied_pewter_piper) chat over a game of Mordhiem.

Cole, Eric, and Greg meeting up for the first time since Rich Grimmond. A hardstyle picture was clearly warranted.

Greg and Steve chat about Flames of Orion. Steve reminds him that he is currently the “world champion” and his title will be tested in the coming days.

All in all, Day 0 was a great afternoon/evening and fitting foreshadowing for the excitement of Under the Dice Fest to come. It was worth it to visit a day early to see so many good friends and Hive Scum’s studio space. The excitement in the air for the upcoming weekend was all but palpable. Look for a recounting of Day 1 shortly!

- Eric Wier

1 comment:

  1. What a great looking time with amazing people. Really cool to see more Cults cropping up as well!
