
Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Ghosts of Yellowfield House: Deirdre

If you have ghosts, then you have everything.

While the world of miniature gaming is filled with interesting offerings, after being immersed in it, much of it starts to look sameish (lots of grimacing space soldiers and rough and tumble orcs). As such, it is always exciting to find something that breaks the mold. The recent sculpting output of Andrew Rae of Statuesque Miniatures is a good example of creating unique work in a saturated market. Premiered through Kickstarter, he started a series of miniatures representing an eclectic group of lost and abandoned toys with Left at the Bottom of the Garden. Following a similar whimsical style, he sculpted a set of ghosts featured in a third Kickstarter, the Ghosts of Yellowfield House. Each has a simple, yet evocative design that can be painted quickly. With this in mind, I decided to start off my 2022 hobby efforts by painting the candle holding Deirdre!

For Deirdre’s dress, I experimented with Warcolours’ range of purple paints (Violet 1-5). With a brush, I used stippling to get a gradient of dark to light purple across the dress.

To make the candle come to life, I used a fluorescent red paint and added some object source lighting on her hair and arm to make it feel as though it is glowing and faintly casting a ruddy light.

While her base is already sculpted as rock, I added some small moss tufts for added effect.

- Adam Wier


  1. Wonderful, it is super refreshing to see something different that has a distinct artists hand at work in it. Particularly recently with the push into 3d files and resin printing the volume of general content in the miniatures space has gone crazy, but the actual unique and creative effort applied is often so lacking. I can only see so many reinterpretations of classic WFB or 40k before my eyes sort of glaze over at most of it.

    1. Yeah, I agree with your sentiments. The internet is awash with reinterpretations of Games Workshop designs. Andrew's sculpts really have a life of their own and you can see his own unique style in them.

  2. Great work - I really want to pick these minis up at some point. They seem like they would be fun to paint.

    1. You should get them! They are really easy to clean up for painting. Their simplicity also really opens up the possibilities for painting.

  3. Very nice painting. The OSL is quite effective, but not overdone. Those sculpts are indeed unique and remind me of Muppets!

    1. Thank you for the kind words! I have not done too much OSL in the past. It is easy to overdo it. I want to try and incorporate the technique more in the future. The more practice the better!

      The ghost does have some Muppet characteristics. :)
