
Monday, September 7, 2020

Dragged into Turbolasers Episode 76: Chatting with Bigbossredskullz about blogging and narrative wargaming

The Nestorian Infestation intensifies!

In this episode, we had the great fortune to talk to a good friend and long time inspiration, Bigbossredskullz. We discussed how he got into the hobby and started blogging and writing articles for Bell of Lost Souls, as well as, how social media like Instagram has affected this. We also talk, at length, about how he approaches and creates models, and how he puts great emphasis on conveying emotion and agony. We delve into what Inq28 and Blanchitsu means to him, and what other sources of media inspire his creations. We also have a great discussion about his Nestorian Infestation collaborative project with Wilhelminiatures, before wrapping things up by talking about Blood Bowl!

Make sure to follow Bigbossredskullz

And visit his blog

His first Iron Sleet Invitational entry

Follow Wilhelminiatures

Information about the Nestorian Infestation

Images of the Nestorian Infestation

Follow KrautScientist’s Eternal Hunt blog

Follow Nordic

Follow revimakk_minis

Watch the entire stream on YouTube:

Or listen to the recording:

- Eric Wier


  1. Great episode, I don't do this style of gaming or hobby myself, but I do enjoy hearing people, especially artists of this calibre, talking and how and why they make the hobby choices they do. And who can disagree with the final message, to just enjoy what you do!?

    1. Yeah, it is a great message, one that fits the entire scope of the hobby I think!

  2. Another very insightful conversation! Cheers for that, gents! And the shout out is much appreciated, as always ;)

    1. Thanks for listening! And always happy to mention you!
