
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Dragged into Turbolasers Episode 56: Shadowspear impressions

We talk about our thoughts on the new release for Warhammer 40k, Shadowspear. We discuss the redesigned Chaos Space Marines and the latest Primaris Space Marines, postulating on what it means for Warhammer in the future.

Watch the entire stream on YouTube:

Or listen to the recording:

- Eric Wier


  1. I'm pretty sure you can guess my main criticism of the chaos marines.

    1. Yeah, the Chaos Space Marine's lower portions have major problems...

  2. Great episode as usual. I like the new marines except for their legs, but as you say those can be swapped out. It's good to have something different. It's interesting that assault marines are now being changed to heavy weapon wielders, rather than chainswords etc, but I agree they haven't got the aesthetic quite right yet...though in terms of /realism/ it probably is more realistic to have shock attack troops with heavy guns than with chainsaws...

    The chaos models are ok but like you I remain disappointed they didn't get Primaris-style improvements.

    1. We hope to get some of the Shadowspear marines soon and try to do some minor conversion work, like switching the legs to see how it improves them. It would be fun to try to improve the chaos too, but would be a lot more work. You are probably right about the shock troops. It would be cool to see such a unit with shotguns :D
