
Monday, November 26, 2018

Dragged into Turbolasers Episode 49: Vigilus Open Day

All hail Primaris!

We spend the episode discussing the Vigilis Open day and its ramifications for the future of Warhammer 40,000. We spend the majority of the episode talking about the newly revealed models, including Marneus Calgar and Genestealer Cultist motorbikes.

Watch the entire stream on YouTube:

Or listen to the recording:

- Eric Wier


  1. Excellent episode as usual, gentlemen. I haven't watched the full feed yet so I've got the Heroes un-boxing to watch through.

    I largely agree your thoughts.

    At first, I thought the Calgar model looked pretty stupid, then I realised it was the same pose as the classic 2nd ed 1990s version and I came to quite like it after that. The proportions are pretty good and so on, but if I ever build it I would definitely leave off the spent shell casings. The background does not make a lot of sense unless they plan to slowly migrate everything over to "Primaris-scale" (i.e. a re-do of the entire range by stealth) but none of the Primaris background really makes sense and is probably best ignored completely.

    I sort of like the Chaos lord but a lot of the details are pretty silly.

    I love the re-boot of the Noise Marine and the video was great though I do tend to agree that the old model is better. I may still buy this one at some point just to support GW's efforts at retro-boots (same with the Calgar).

    The bikes are very cool and these will get a lot of use in various projects. I still don't see much of a use (at least a sensible use) for bikes in 40K but in Ash Wastes (Necromunda) or Tor Megiddo / Inq28 and Gorkamorka type things they would work very well.I will pick some up at some point in the (probably far) future.

    As for the Titan...meh. In AT it might be cool. I did sort of laugh a bit though to hear you saying the spotters didn't make any sense (which they don't--obviously spotters on the ground in forward positions (possibly riding the aforesaid motorbikes) make sense, and in AT scale even more sense) but nothing about Titans makes any sense whatsoever! :) Titans only (sort-of) make sense in Titan on Titan battles. In anything else, well superheavy tanks/battleships/etc have been disproved since WWII at least. They would in reality be sitting ducks for aircraft (or orbital) strikes and they have some glaring weak points (legs! specifically un-armoured leg/hip joints!). Good fun though.

    1. You are certainly right about nothing about Titans making a whole lot of sense. Orbital strikes (which are a major thing in 40k) would certainly make short work of them. I just feel the spotters look out of place on the model, they look more like elements from an Old World Empire warmachine. Most elements of the titan design look somewhat modern, which is at odds with largely flesh and blood people standing on the top looking through scopes. Honestly, it sort of adds elements of anachronistic grimdark to the titan aesthetic that I do not feel was there previously.

    2. Sorry I went off on a bit of a rant! You are completely right. Titans have always been depicted as being sort of submarine-like...all their crew is inside either human or servitor and they rely on various (for 40K) hi-tech sensors so it doesn't make sense on any level. I also feel it would have been a cool thing to have forward spotters, who could have been a sort of grimdark re-con/special forces squad. But forward spotters really don't make sense on a 6x4 table!

    3. Yeah, forward spotters would be pretty cool. Some sort of mechanized infantry, but as you suggest, it would not really work for 40k scale. Maybe AT though :D

  2. Also, excellent choice to put the stream on Youtube. Much easier (for me anyway) than twitch and given I am in Australia the time zone doesn't really work for me to join live (unfortunately).

    1. Yeah, I think YouTube is a lot easier for most people, because almost everyone has some experience with it.

  3. Another great podcast in the books guys.

    Question- why is there a police siren going off every time you do a podcast? Another round of muggings in good old Baltimore? Do you even hear them anymore?

    I like the new Calgar model quite a bit which is an improvement over the 5th edition terminator model, but not as much as the old 2nd edition model which is the definitive sculpt for me. Did you know that there is a Calgar diorama model that came even before that, in the Rogue Trader era? It's pretty crappy looking if you do get a chance to find it, I saw it on eBay once.

    I feel like the Chaos model is an improvement on most of the stuff that GW has put out for Chaos, even with the critiques you noted. Forward progress is forward progress after all. There is hope yet that they will make better-proportioned Chaos marines; I just doubt they are going to get any LESS gaudy with the passage of time. I remember the very first thing I thought about that model was "man that spear is terrible. Why is he holding it like he's going to throw it? Once he throws it he is essentially unarmed."

    1. Thanks for listening! And yeah there are a fair amount of sirens, being that I am right in the middle of the city (close to a fire station too). I do not pay them any heed anymore, he he.

      Yeah, I have seen the Rogue Trader version of Calgar. Not a very good model, but he had to start somewhere! You speak the truth fearing that any new Chaos models will almost certainly be more gaudy. With the advent of computer sculpting they can add more and more detail! More is always better right?!

  4. Just caught up with the Heroes unboxing. I have to admit I like these models and will add them to my classic space marine army made up (mainly) of the 2nd ed era metal models in due course. I think this is what plastic should be...easy to assemble (or even 1 piece!!!), limited poses but poses done well, and cheap (admittedly, this release does not fulfill that last criteria). I wouldn't buy a box of tactical marines (except maybe for conversion parts) and if I add more Primaris marines to my armies I will be getting the ones from the Dark Millenium box, not the modular Intercessors box.

  5. I kinda like all the new models, they're just not pricey enough for me. I mean, "only" 105 dollars for a ten man Intercessors squad? "Only" 60 dollars for a single Primaris Librarian? Hahaha, don't make me laugh GW. Come back when my hobby means I get to choose whether or not to eat for the week.
