
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Thorn Moons Crusade: Defenders of the 73rd Moon

For a thousand years I spurned the flesh change
But I had lived as half a being
Until the celestial tides wrought our metagenesis.

Late last year, shortly after Iron Sleet announced their second Invitational, we began work on some Imperial Guard to defend the Thorn Moons, the remnants of the Imperial Army that originally explored the Crataegus Fragmentum during the Great Crusade. For the Guard, we wanted to create soldiers that were a little more grounded in reality than most of Games Workshop’s human warriors, eschewing bulky breastplates, rubberized mining suits, and heavily starched robes. To do this, I started to greatly modify Forge World Elysian Drop Troops. In the last few months, I have not had too much time to work on them, but am pleased to say I am now going to set my full attention on them again! I wanted to use this post to show my recent progress on them.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Unforgiven: True-scale Dark Angels

Thought begets Heresy. Heresy begets Retribution.

When 8th edition of Warhammer 40k was released last year, I purchased one of the starter sets, and experimented with turning the included Primaris Space Marines into True-scale Space Marines. I found that by simply replacing their powerpacks and bolters, they made pretty convincing normal Space Marines. Being a longstanding Dark Angels player, when the new Dark Angel codex was released last year, I thought it might be fun to try to convert some tactical marines in this way. The hope being that I could build a bunch of them quickly to use in games of basic 40k (I manage to play a game or two each year). With this in mind, I got a box of the Dark Angels-themed Intercessors and set to work.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Making Death Guard Great Again: Plague Marine Finished

Built for brutality.

At the end of 2017, we showcased a collection of Death Guard models that were created by a talented group of hobbyists in response to anatomical mess that was the new Death Guard models. While I also built a Death Guard model for the challenge, I was only able to start painting it recently. The model was a great opportunity to experiment with painting styles and techniques, similar to painting the Elder One that I built earlier in the year. With this post, I wanted to talk a little how I went about the process.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Dragged into Turbolasters Episode 35: Space Wolves and Forge World, a steady decline in quality

How the mighty have fallen...

With the release of a host of new terrible Space Wolf releases from Forge World recently, we decided to talk a little about what makes them such a disappointment, and how they speak to Forge World’s recent inconsistency in model quality. We touch on how digital sculpting has both helped and hurt many of their designs and how the incredible popularity of the Horus Heresy has put a strain on a relatively small company. We also talk about the newly released Rogal Dorn model, and how he may be Forge World’s best Primarch yet.