
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Dragged into Turbolasers Episode 23: Dark Imperium

Dark Imperium.

In this episode we are again joined by the talented Mr_Pink, from the blog Modern Synthesist and now a new podcast called Xenos Alchemist, to talk about the new Warhammer 40,000 boxed game Dark Imperium. We discuss all the models contained within the box, as well as the new dreadnought revealed during Warhammer Fest.

- Eric Wier


  1. Hey guys,

    lovely stuff there, it is great to hear your open, honest opinion about my models.
    Great analysis in general, you guys know your thing ;)

    You did well on pronouncing my name, you still have a bit of French, nice one.

    As you said in the podcast, there will be some more info on my blog on Saturday, with a model I painted.

    Keep up the good work guys!


    Maxime / morback

    1. Thanks for taking the time to listen to the podcast! I means a lot to us. Your Plaguebones are legendary and visionary in their own right. I cannot think of anyone I would rather have creating Death Guard models! The stuff in Dark Imperium look really nice, only really hindered slightly by your need to stick to "normal" Astartes proportions. I cannot wait to see your post this Saturday, and any new models in the future!

    2. Morback! Thanks for listening!

      The models are so SOOO sick, and I can't wait to hear more about what you worked on specifically. I literally had no interest in Death Guard until I saw these. Then I thought "well, that Lord of Contagion is pretty sick. Maybe I should paint him." That got me to look closer at the rest, and now I'm all about death guard.

      Can't wait to see the rest of the release!

  2. Always like listening to you guys! You're like the crew of nerd friends that I don't really have.
    One thing about the new box art: Why is the Captain holding his sword so weird? Looks like they changed the diretion of the sword, but not the hilt.

    1. Thanks for listening! If it were not for the internet, we would not really have people to talk about this stuff with either! I had not looked at the box art too closely, but you are quite right, the captain's sword is really is bent...

  3. Excellent as always guys! I had no idea Morback was involved on the new Death Guard but that makes a lot of sense now that I look at them closer. Mr Pink is also always a wonderful addition to your banter.

    1. Thanks! Mr_pink has been really fun to talk with, and we are sure to have him on more!

  4. Hehe! Cheers guys.

    Wait to get your hands on the models before you make your judgement on size/proportions. These guys are much taller, rendered in more realistic proportions compared to Mk7 marines... ;-)


    1. I look forward to getting my hands on some and looking at them first hand!

  5. Great episode, I felt that you really managed to keep up the interest level; not easy with an episode that long!

    I think the tactical and rank and on and markings on the space marines have a history that goes all the way back to White Dwarf articles in the Rogue Trader era.

    Overall I agree that the new space marines are great models and I think I will be painting some up.

    I don't really like anything to do with Nurgle so I can't really judge the other models too well, but I actually really liked the mutant in the lab coat!

    1. Thanks for listening, and I am glad that it stayed interesting, even if it was longer than the usual length.

      If you do get some of the new marines, I look forward to see what you do with them!

  6. Finally got to listen to this episode. And dammit, I just checked the 360s of the Death Guard characters and they do follow the recent Deathwatch/Thousand Sons trend of making the figures bigger by lengthening the legs, raising the belt... and not changing the torso.

    Still love the Death Guard troopers, one of which will lead my little nurgle warband. I just hope when they come to do new Chaos marines they do the enlargement a little differently.

    1. Yeah, I looked at the 360 images of those characters this weekend too, and was upset that it seems that they are worse than I thought at first. The legs were made larger, but the torsos seem to have been made even smaller (or at least shorter) than usual. I too hope that in the future they address this, because it would be a shame to start getting new Cult Chaos marines, and have their anatomy so distorted.
