
Friday, October 21, 2016

Dragged into Turbolasers Episode 12: The Burning of Prospero is upon us, with Blood Bowl soon to follow!

We spend this episode discussing the upcoming Burning of Prospero box game.  We speculate on how it will differ from the earlier Betrayal at Calth Horus Heresy game, as well as comment on the quality of the new models.  In the second half of the episode we switch to talking about the rerelease of Blood Bowl, and decide whether or not we want to start playing it again.  Finally, we talk about our current hobby projects, where Greg and Eric reveal that they are starting to paint models for the first time in many years!

- Eric Wier


  1. Great listening as usual! I agree that 2016 has been crazy but the new BB release isn't very important to me as I have plenty of custom teams and everything I need to play. My group used to be big on league play which is the only interesting option for BB imo. The Prospero stuff kinda falls in the same category. They killed the mythical figures with OK releases and the TS stuff wouldn't spur me into buying it as I already have half a box of Calth + some FW stuff. I prefer doing my own take as you well know.

    Though Sisters of Battle coming out. That has me really excited tbh :)

    1. Gw's continuation of removing the mystery from things is something we did not really touch on much here. You are right that something like the Custodes are something that did not really need to be made, as the moment a model is created, the scope of the creation is limited. I feel that despite this, they were done about as good as one could hope for, so that is a positive. GW is walking a fine line towards this end. Some of their creations should have had models for a long time and have not until recently (Mechanicum), but stuff like the Deathwatch, to me, should not have been defined so tightly with a codex release, sucking out much of the mystery behind the organization. But as you said, I am excited to see the sisters of battle updated!

  2. Great job guys, really excited to see everything you all have come up with for the Curse of the Alabaster! Glad to hear you guys are stretched for time as well, I had to shave 5 models off of what I was sending for NPC's. Between fighting with power outages and work I am really hoping I dont have to shave anymore off.

    1. Power outages and work... Neither sound too great, but I am happy to hear you are still hard at work on your Alabaster stuff! I am excited to finish all the stuff we are working on and show everyone!

  3. BLoody great episode! I would disagree with that Magnus model. I am kind of getting tired of the pin headed, supermuscular humanoids(slaughtetpriest for example). Awesome podcast but still never enough praise for the SoS!

    1. Thanks again for listening, it is good to know we have a following, no matter how small! I do see what you mean about the pinhead supermuscled models. While it seems very fitting for Khorne, it does not work as well here. It would be nice to see GW try something a little more off the wall with the daemon Primarchs.
