
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Dragged into Turbolasers Episode 11: The Genestealer Cult and the split between Fantasy Flight Games and Games Workshop

The episode begins with us talking about the new Genestealer Cult models and how Games Workshop expanded the line introduced in the Deathwatch: Overkill game.  We delve into the quality of the sculpts and also the potential for conversions, particularly in the light of Inq28.  We then transition into the main topic of the episode, which is the split between the boardgame company Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) and Games Workshop.  We discuss the possible reasons for the decision, as well as the ramifications for Games Workshop and FFG.

- Eric Wier


  1. Entertaining as always gents, a good listen while working on some models this morning. Quite excited about the new Genestealer release and can't wait to get my hands on some of the models as I have held off picking up Overkill. Somehow the news of this breakup had escaped me until this podcast. From a RPG standpoint, its upsetting as I have zero faith in Games Workshop being able to write anything on par. However physical quality wise it doesnt get much worse than Fantasy Flight books, before ordering one its safe to assume within a week the spine will separate and hang limp from the cover. Something I have never seen any other companies books do on a consecutive basis. Luckily I have purchased all the board games already which I really can't recommend Chaos in the old world enough its definitely a favorite in our group. The deathwatch card game is also quite fun as long as you reread the rules well and don't drunkenly misunderstand that only one of the final rooms is put in the deck not all of them, spending hours trying to clear the entire hulk instead of one section.

    1. Thanks for listening! I am quite excited about the cultist models too. Not entirely sure what we would do with them yet, but time will tell!

      It is sad news about the split. I also do not believe GW would easily be able to produce RPG material to the same quality as FFG; it is too much of a niche and their focus so much on models. I will continue to keep watch out for Chaos in the Old World. While I would like a copy, I really do not want to spend $120 on it, he he.

  2. Great episode thanks for making these :)

    Personally though I'm hoping for Sisters of Battle. It's probably the only thing that can get me into army building again. But by all means I'm really digging the Genestealer Cult and I think they deserve their own release, I'll just not tag along :)

    1. Thanks for taking the time to listen to the podcast! I admit we are not going to start a genestealer cult army either, it is just exciting to have more excellent models for use in conversions. I hope they get around to doing Sisters of Battle too! It would be interesting to see how GW approaches the army now.

  3. I loved this guys.I want moar!!!!
    Although looking back at my Mad Max warband idea for my genestealers, I don't think it will be fun. Anyway I will buy them once I am absolutely sure on what I want from them. Maybe void crew, maybe ashwaste raider or just plain old cultists....

    1. We will try to record these more frequently, hopefully consistently recording 2 a month!

  4. Another great podcast guys - I enjoyed listening and looking forward to more!

    1. Pleased to hear you are enjoying them! We should be recording another episode soon!
