
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Dragged into Turbolasers Episode 10: The Deathwatch and the potential of the 13th Black Crusade!

Burn! Kill! Maim!

We begin the episode talking about Games Workshop’s new Deathwatch models, as well as discussing the strengths and shortcomings of the new codex book.  We then move into the main subject of the episode, which is discussing the ramifications of the new Traitor’s Hate supplement being labeled as a part of the 13th Black Crusade.  We talk about how they explored the crusade over ten years earlier with the Eye of Terror codex, and how this would be a way to modify that background and advance the storyline of Warhammer 40k, which has been stagnant for many years.

- Eric Wier


  1. Excellent podcast, I enjoyed listening. Thanks.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to listen to it! We will keep recording them!

    2. Hell yeah! Nice to find a 40K podcast not just droning on about tournaments!

    3. I am glad to know that people, even if it is only a small number, like hearing about something other than rules and tournaments. We decided to start recording these for that reason, I am not that interested in competitive play and most of the podcasts I know are very focussed on it. Let us know if there is anything you would like to hear on the podcast, we are still trying to find our place!

  2. Very nice gents. I am quite happy about the new deathwatch miniatures simply as I needed an easier way to get Deathwatch Terminator shoulder pads haha. Are you guys familiar with the Deathwatch RPG? A lot of the things you all are discussing background wise are flushed out much fuller in those. I haven't read the new codex but they definitely would have to cut an absolute massive amount of the background out to fit pagewise.

    1. I am sure FFG's Deathwatch does a much better job explaining the organization. I would love to play it, or Dark Heresy for that matter. The 40k setting is great for roleplaying, and not having to use models all the time probably allows for more intimate moments. Your DH campaign sounds pretty awesome, which makes me wish I had some GM experience...
