
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Dragged into Turbolasers Episode 2: Fyreslayers and Mantic Games' Walking Dead Miniature game

In this episode, we talk about the recent Age of Sigmar releases by Games Workshop, namely the dwarven Fyreslayers.  We discuss various aspects of the models and how they affect the rest of the Age of Sigmar range.  Next, we talk at length about Mantic Games’ upcoming Kickstarter and game: The Walking Dead:  All Out War.  In addition to talking about some basic information about the game and its miniatures, we also touch on Mantic’s reliance on Kickstarter to publish their games, and their struggles with finding a good material to cast their miniatures in.  Finally we speak a little about our current projects on Between the Bolter and Me, touching on our Kingdom Death multipart miniature project, and briefly describing Iron Sleet’s Pilgrym project.

- Eric Wier


  1. Nice episode guys.

    As for the Kingdom Death project, I'm pretty much done with my figure (just some last GS sculpting to go), and I'm sending the rest of the sprues to Tommy from BigBossRedSkulls in the next couple of days. Pictures and a write up to follow soon.

    1. Thanks for listening to it!

      That is exciting to hear about your Kingdom Death project! I look forward to seeing pictures. BigBossRedSkullz is a perfect choice for the next person to try their hand at making something with the models.

    2. Ajajaj...the pressure :) I probably need it as I have yet to paint something this year!
      Btw great listening to your podcast and the magma pun gave me a good laugh :)

    3. Thanks for listening; it is good to hear that people, even if it is only a few, are listening to it and enjoying it!

      We know you are up for creating some cool from the KD multipart stuff. And anything to encourage painting is a good thing, as it is pretty easy to be put off when you can just go an create new models!

    4. I'm thinking that I'll send you some shots of the raw plastic first, and get to the painting a bit later. The first thing on my painting desk is the Servo Magos for the AmmoBunker challenge (which I'm really hoping to have the time to finish before the month's out - crossed fingers!).

      The other reason I want to wait is because as you guys talked about, the models are so boring. I think I did some interesting stuff with the figure, but I'm so uninspired by the whole IP of Kingdom Death, and the models were so frustrating to use, I'll have to really muster my interest in order to paint the thing.

    5. Yeah, it would be great to see some of the unpainted pictures! No need to rush into painting it. I would much rather see your awesome servo magos finished; it is a stellar model.

      I feel a lot of the "monsters" in KD are pretty interesting, but the survivors are pretty underwhelming. I look forward to seeing what you did with them!

  2. Great stuff again.

    That you are looking at games outside of GW is great. There are so many interesting things going on. I look forward to hearing more about your toughts on frostgrave. Many Mordheim fans seem to embrace it, but it doesnt sound like my thing. I just don't care for the visual aspect of it.

    1. Glad to know you are still listening!

      Part of why we wanted to start a podcast was to allow us to talk about other aspects of the miniature wargaming hobby that would be difficult to really post about here. While we might play some of Mantic's games, we are not going to be starting up any elaborate modeling projects based around it.

      I also look forward to hearing more about Frostgrave too! But totally agree with you about the visual aspect of it falling pretty short.

  3. Great podcast this time as well! It's nice that more people think axe-flails are a stupid combination.
    Like Alexander said; I also think its great that you talk a about other games than GW. I'm quite exited about both Kingdom Death: Monster and The Walking Dead game, so its nice to hear what you guys think before deciding to buy them.

    1. It is good to hear someone else does not like those axe-flails...

      We have a lot to say about KD; we have a bunch of posts on it, but I think I would like to have it the subject of one of our podcasts. For as good as it is in multiple ways, I think more play testing and inclusion of more modern boardgame mechanics would have strengthened it tremendously. This is particularly important when the price point of the game is so high.

      Thanks for listening; we will continue to record them!
