
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Dragged into Turbolasers Episode 1: Expanding Between the Bolter and Me

Dragged into Turbolasers
 is Between the Bolter and Me's official miniature wargaming podcast. We talk critically about all aspects of the miniature hobby, with a primary focus on Games Workshop games. Rather than conversing about rules and competitive play, our priority is to discuss the miniature side of the hobby: examining new model releases, exploring hobby techniques, and talking about our current projects on Between the Bolter and Me.

In this first episode, we talk about why we decided to create a podcast to supplement Between the Bolter and Me. We also look back at all the miniature releases over 2015, talking about both the triumphs and disappointments of the year. Finally, we discuss the projects we intend to pursue during 2016 on Between the Bolter and Me.

Hopefully you enjoy the episode and find it insightful in some small way.  Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as we are very new to podcasts!

- Eric Wier


  1. Good job on the podcast, I want to hear more Craig =) I'm also disappointed you didn't mention working on that Bloodthrister this year ;)

    1. I am glad you liked it! With all the excellent models to work on, it will be hard to get to the Bloodthirster, but we will see, ha ha.

  2. A nice feature. And the blog got a make over ;)

    1. I am happy to hear you like it! We are thinking of doing two podcasts a month, and will see where that takes us. The opportunity to connect better with the community is exciting.

      We did give the blog a makeover! We had been considering updating the look of the blog for a while, to try to give it a bit more of a professional look. We wanted to maintain a 40k vibe, but still keep the frog theme, and the bionic frog was the result! Adam did all of the artwork, as before :)

    2. The podcast was quite interesting, I liked how you approach miniatures. Very much from a realistic perspective rather than rule of cool. It was rather charming the way you all got side tracked now and then. All in all a great start and I look forward to the next one.

    3. Thanks for taking the time to listen to it. We certainly do tend to focus on realism, and try to convert our models to reflect that (as funny as that sounds considering we are talking about a science fiction miniature game, ha ha). I cannot wait to start recording the next episode, and see where it takes us. Let us know if there is anything you would like to hear discussed, or any talking point you might be interested in!
