
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Putrid Blightkings: Death Guard Terminator Conversion 2 Finished

Their number grows...

After the success of finishing my first Death Guard terminator, I was excited to start working on the others, and see what Nurgle elements I could explore.  For this second Death Guard terminator, I really wanted to show a warrior who has been blessed by Father Nurgle, a bloated and corpulent warrior, nigh on bursting from the seams of his armor. I am happy to report that the 2nd Death Guard terminator is finished and awaiting paint.

The second Death Guard terminator in all his rancid glory!

Like with the previous Death Guard conversion, for this one I went about encasing the Blightking body with fragments of Cataphractii terminator armor. However in the case of this new model I decided to make his armor look much more ragged and torn, revealing his bloated and corpulent body.  To do this, I focused the model around the plastic Blightking’s gaping maw that formed his belly, complete with a long slavering tongue.  This body is one of the most iconic elements of the new Blightking kit, and I did not want to lose it.  The process of cutting up and hollowing out Cataphractii terminator armor and piecing it on top of the Blightking base worked about the same for this model as the last.  In this case, I just had to be more aggressive with the cutting and leave more of the flesh of the model exposed. While the model’s lower back is covered in armor, I left his upper back and neck area exposed. Using greenstuff I made each of the edges of the armor look buckled and twisted (Like his belly mouth eventually just burst out of his armored torso). To add to the ruptured effect I was creating with his armor, I started to incorporate severed cables and wires. The majority of this cabling I used came from  Zinge Industries, who make some very nice poseable cables.

A Reaper Autocannon seemed the prefect weapon for a patron of Father Nurgle.

The bulky, bloated nature of this warrior made me envision him as a heavy weapon specialist.  And when I think of Chaos terminators, the Reaper Autocannon is what comes to mind, and it seemed a suitable weapon for the terminator.  I talked about creating this weapon a while back, but very briefly, I clipped off the rotating barrels of an assault cannon and replaced them with one of the barrels from a Cataphractii autocannon.  While it is a huge weapon, I feel it fits quite well with the aesthetic of the model.

I spent a lot of time trying to make his armor look convincingly ruptured.

When I first started this project, I knew it was going to involve quite extensive conversion work, but I did not quite know what I was getting myself into. All these months later, I am really glad that I stuck with the project, and did not compromise my vision due to apprehension that my skills with green stuff where not up for the task. Just one more to finish before I have a valid unit for 40k (5 would be ideal, but 3 is pretty good)!

- Adam Wier


  1. Amazing work! This is just full of fantastic little details that most people wouldn't have bothered with. No "it'll do" here though. You've gone that extra mile to make a truly stunning mini.

    1. Thank you for the compliments! I am glad you like all the small details I put into the model. I wanted to make the model look as believable as I could manage. (:

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers! The third member of the squad is on his way to completion too!

  3. Glorious! You make me want to start a nurgle force seeing these

    1. The release of the Putrid Blightkings was my main incentive to actually start working with Nurgle in 40k. They are a great excuse to start a new force. :)

  4. Looking forward to seeing these painted! The blight king kit is one of the best for years for me, made me start a Nurgle army

    1. Painting the models should be quite the adventure for me. It will be a perfect excuse to try working on perfecting different weathering techniques.

      The Blightkings are certainly one of my favorite GW releases in the past few years. They turned me back to Nurgle too!

  5. Nice, a full squad of these would look amazing

    1. I will do my best to actually complete an entire squad of the terminators. Currently, I will at the very least complete 3 of them. Any suggestions or ideas of what you would like to see on the remaining members of the squad are welcome!

  6. That is absolutely brilliant! Disgusting, but brilliant! :D

  7. Fantastic addition! Do tell you're making a CSM Lord to go with them :)

    1. Making a Chaos Lord to go with the terminators is a good idea. I will have to try and figure out what I could base the model around and what to arm him with...

    2. "cough - the big Glottkin brother with the scythe - cough" ;)

  8. Replies
    1. Cheers! He is a sick and repulsive character. :)

  9. Great work! I like the "bursting out of the armor" look, and you have executed it flawlessly. The paint will make it even more clear, and you will have plenty of scope to add rotted flesh and rusted armor, which is great!

    Small niggle, what is the point of a blast shield on the auto-cannon? Not only does it seem superfluous for a nurgle rotted terminator, but it is also on the outside of the gun, so it would not shield him. It does look cool though... maybe that is point enough.

    1. Thanks for the comment! I am looking forward to actually trying to paint the terminators. There will be a lot of room to experiment with them.

      You are right about the gunshield on the autocannon. It does not have much purpose other than to look cool. My original idea was to have it shield the ammunition hopper on the rear of the weapon (maybe I should have placed the shield back a little further).

  10. Really looking forward to paint hitting these guys. They are just utterly awesome! really made some flipping awesome dudes!

    1. Thanks! I am busy working on finishing the third of the terminators now. Once he is finished I plan to start painting the first of them. :)

  11. Just looking at these after listening to your latest podcast. I do not normally like it look at Nurgle stuff but the pose and proportions of this model look spot on, and all the details are really well executed. Great work! 👍
